And the Oscar goes to @!
5 January 2007
Here’s a interesting fact — because of the turn-based and deterministic (modulo random number generation) nature of roguelike games, if you record all the keystrokes of a given roguelike game, and the preliminary state of the random number generator you are able to replay the whole game! I thought about that a long time ago, but it was today, that I finally made some action towards it. The results are surprising — I have a complete DoomRL game movie saved in less than 4kb!
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Now the good news — you’ll get to play with it too! And not only in DoomRL, but in any turn-based Valkyrie roguelike! Maybe I’m just a dreamer, but I think that will be a great boost for the community.
Another great feature of KeyMovies (as I will now call them) is the value in bug hunting — had a crash? Send me the generated KeyMovie and I will be able to reproduce it as many times as I want!
Keymovies also offer one feature that might be a Pandora’s Box — imagine that you can STOP the movie at ANY TIME and jump into the action yourself! But I’m still wondering wether it would be good to allow that (even with zeroscore and no player data advance), because it would allow exploring the game too easily ;].
Unfortunately with all their good features KeyMovies have also one serious disadvantage -> you can easily advance in the movie with whatever pace you want, but you can’t rewind… Still it’s a small price to pay for such a fun feature I think. A solution to that tough, would be (in case of DoomRL) “saving” the game in the movie file every level — this would allow you to skip between levels like skipping chapters in a book, both forward and BACKWARD.
In the future Valkyrie will provide another movie recording method — Valkyrie Movie Files — which will be recorded from the screen output. They are needed to provide a way of easily posting your movies on the web, and for the sake of easy back/forward tracking and doing any kind of montage. Every Valkyrie game will have then the option to “render” an existing KeyMovie file into a VMF file. And I hope I’ll get someone to do me a Java Applet for playing VMFs (I could do it myself, but I hope someone helps — I have enough Java for now…).
Anyway, this is a feature for you people — I hope it will turn out as much fun as I envision t. Be prepared for many competitions once the next version is out — for (once you think of it) a KeyMovie can’t be cheated :).