DoomRL 2 tile only?
12 January 2010
The tile announcement has made a big fuss! That made me even more anxious about the tiles release, and made me think about the additional features that it can bring. Unfortunately, I had to scrap some of them due to compatibility with the ASCII version. DoomRL 1.0.0 will have an ASCII mode… but DoomRL 2?
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Let’s face it, the tile-version of DoomRL (2) will be it’s main version. Recent Dungeon Crawl poll has proven that people prefer tiles instead of ASCII. DoomRL 2 will be built with tiles support from the beginning, no question about it.
However, it came to my attention that there’d be several advantages if I made DoomRL 2 tile-*only*. Help me with the decision!
- Development speed — having only one version to support development speed would be way faster. No need to maintain a abstract interface over display and write two displays simultaneously would be a big time-saver.
- Cleaner code — the code would be a lot cleaner and readable without the additional indirection level. No need to do hacks for things that might be hard to “support” in ASCII, no need for wierd common interfaces.
- Better tile support — the tiled version would look a lot more professional, and not seem it is framed from a non-tile game. The interface would be a lot more streamlined and friendly, with support for many features that just can’t be shown with ASCII.
- Enhanced design — dropping ASCII support would allow me to implement game features that would be unwieldy or not possible with ASCII. Example? X-Com mode for multiple soldiers as a side-game-mode — sure it can be done with ASCII but it would be unwieldy, and require a lot additional ASCII coding.
- Better protability — yes, surprisingly it will be easier to port the Tile-only version, because the lack of the ASCII-descendant features. The game would be more suited to porting to gaming handhelds (NDS, PSP, iPhone).
- Annoying hard-core ASCII fans — this is a serious disadvantage. I know there are some of you who have the “tiles? nevah!” attitude… I just wonder how many of you there are. One has to take note however, that I’m doing the transition to graphics programming anyway…
- Wouldn’t run on vinitage hardware — um… yes.
- Wouldn’t be able to be run on server — now this is a serious downside. However, I always wanted to try network programming, and somehow I feel that having boost::asio, it’d be easier for me to write a server for DoomRL than to maintian an ASCII version…
Your opinion counts!
Soo… what’s your call?