ChaosForge 2009, post-mortem

31 December 2009

Traditionally, I’ll split the New Year’s post into two — the past, and the future. Well it should be traditional, but it wasn’t, for 2008 was a very bad year for ChaosForge. This year however, was busy, yet not as busy as I know would like it to be..


Neko's Destiny

31 December 2009

The question of Neko’s purpose has been boiling around my head for a while now. One of the ideas that seems most reasonable for me is to change it’s role from a framework to a collection of simple to use but powerful general purpose utilities. This solution, while may seem to generic, allows me to integrate it’s future with both my further ideas, as well as ChaosForge’s second C++ large-scale library, Valkyrie…


Constricting restrictions

28 December 2009

When I started Neko, I made myself some restrictions — as little use of third party libraries as possible (however without reinventing the wheel), everything small and agile and everything dynamically linked at run time.

However, now I’ve hit problems that these restrictions make further development of Neko really hard… anyone can help?


Silence before the Storm...

25 December 2009

The year 2009 is coming to an end, and already I’m thinking about it, judging it, smiling at it, and wondering about the future. I feel somehow thanks to someone this has been a year of rebirth for ChaosForge. And while this rebirth isn’t plainly visible yet, I hope it will be so at the beginning of 2010…


A problematic feature...

14 December 2009

One of the core Neko features, and at the same time most problematic one, is that it will make it easy to implement a game that at the same time has a hardcore ASCII presentation, that is playable via Telnet, while providing a possibility for a modern tile-based roguelike…


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