AliensRL: Ressurection?
27 February 2010
Waiting for the DoomRL RC version to be tested, I turned to other projects, most notably getting DiabloRL in order. While at it, without any particular reason I decided to bring the AliensRL codebase up to date also. After doing the basic refactoring needed, I played a few test games, and thought “Damn, this is quite playable… If only it had this and this…”. And so…
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DoomRL has DoomRL 2 planned, Berserk! will also be rewritten using Neko. DiabloRL has been ressurected . Hence, that left AliensRL in the shadow…
AliensRL isn’t a bad game. Actually, after playing through it again, I noted that it has several original features that beg for more exposition. The tactical weapon management, or the freedom to explore the towers for example. In a way it’s much more original then all of the rest of ChaosForge roguelikes (maybe excluding Berserk!, but that one has a much more limited scope).
Today I showed some love to AliensRL — apart from bringing the code base up to date, and fixing a few bugs, I managed to drastically increase level generation speed — up to the point that I barely notice the generation screen. Also, a foundation has been laid for having proper items in AliensRL (as you may or may have not noted items are pretty limited).
What could be further plans for AliensRL?
- Lua support – least exciting in itself, but opening a mountain of possibilities including, but not limited to, the ones below
- Better level generators – make the towers more differen from each other
- Security and Military tower – the way they were intended to be – full of security mechanisms and bots (EMP weapons would appear!)
- Missons! – this would be a festival! From the possibilities of placing the Fleet Bacon in Comm Tower, to overloading the reactor in Main Tower.
- Terminals – read information, deactivate security, peek through cameras, activate misson-based equipment, reroute power to light systems, activate tower bridges, and much more…
- Flamer and more fun weapons – hell yeah.
- Many of the fun DoomRL features – player data, challenges, others?
- there’s much more where this came from…
To be honest, the more I think about it, the more I believe that AliensRL could easily become a as much interesting game as DoomRL… if only given enough love…
Hence, I ask you, dear reader… what do you think should be done about AliensRL? Should it get more attention? Should I drop it and focus on other (which?) stuff?
Your opinion matters!
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