In search of a new home

23 November 2005

Well, it has happened. Today I ordered a paid server. 3 GB diskspace, 25 GB transfer, PHP, MySQL, mail, domain name registration included. The only downside is a 20MB cap on a single database… but thanks to that the service was quite cheap.

I wonder how much 25GB/monthly actually is. I hope it will be enough. If not, I will have to consider upgrading of the service. The only thing that may pose problems here is my downloads. But, if all goes well, DoomRL and DiabloRL will get their own homes, hosted by a Polish fantasy portal. Maybe they’ll even give me a mirror download for my other projects.

As for the domain name, I applied for, I hope it will not be taken when they actually register it. Other names I considered were,,,… but most of them had some inherent disadvantages. Chaosforge sounds nice IMHO, and is suprisingly Google-friendly for a trademark. Too bad that was taken…

Posted 23 November 2005, 22:29 by admin · Comments

I see plans within plans

22 November 2005

Plans within plans — I aim high as for the end of the year. Now as I look on what I have planned to accomplish ‘till the end of the year, I’m starting to wonder wether I’ll accomplish even a small part of it. Well, Rome wasn’t built in a day, but on the other hand DiabloRL was made in seven. The major goals I’ve set for myself:

- DoomRL version 0.9.9 — with enough interesting features to make it as remarkable release as 0.9.8 was compared to 0.9.7. That may be tricky considering what an impact Sound had on DoomRL gameplay. – DiabloRL version 0.5.0 — I promised a few people that DiabloRL will be continued and I strive to keep my promise. Things planned for 0.5.0 are general Lua integration, classes, quest system, magic and ranged combat. – Carceri version 0.2.0 — This is probably the project I spend most of my brainpower on, and at the same time do the least work. I keep focusing on the engine idea, forgetting that Carceri is meant to be a game-platform. I need to focus on creating a working, playable and enjoyable demo module. – Valkyrie version 0.2.0 — Due to popular demand I intend to release Valkyrie under GNU GPL. The problem is, that Valkyrie is not ready to be shown to the public. Many things included are obsolete (and are an effect of my prior poor FreePascal knowledge), others need to be redesigned… people willing to test Valkyrie would be real helpful here. – GenRogue teaser material — fnord — you’re not cleared to know that.

I’m afraid I will have to drop some of there. Only 5 weeks left, and I didn’t make any significant progress in any of those past the last month…

Posted 22 November 2005, 06:30 by · Comments [3]

Looking for the next great idea

21 November 2005

Finally found an hour of spare time. As usual my mind is overwhelmed with the myriard of possibilities. I need to find a way to prioritize what I need to do. And ad-hoc decision was made – I promised a new version of DoomRL to be available ‘till the end of the year.

I launched Lazarus, made myself a hot tee, dusted away DoomRL’s sources and… spent and hour trying to make DoomRL compile at all. I don’t know what is the reason — the new FPC 2.0.0, some broken links, hell knows. And hell knows why it finally compiled. I give credit for this mess to Lazarus, I hope it’s not FPC’s fault… Still, I hate when I don’t know why something doesn’t work…

Well, enough rambling. DoomRL compiles, and it awaits some new features.

Posted 21 November 2005, 21:11 by · Comments

A beginning is a very delicate time

17 November 2005

In Poland we have a saying, that translates “There are such moments in the life of a turtle, that he must smack someone in the face”. Well, there are such moments in the life of a CS-student, that he wants to set up a blog. Don’t ask me why, for I do not know. What I do know is that I can’t go on like that with the chaos of a thousand ideas storming through my mind, each of them screaming for my attention, and each of them calling me names, so much annoyed that I do not seem to comprehend, that THEY are the most important idea of them all. So many projects, so little time. Got a lifetime to spare?

What can one expect in this memorial, this visual representation of my mindstate? Well, I guess these pages will be filled with content that in it’s entirety won’t be suitable for anyone, except me. I’ll post about anything that fills my mind at the spur of the moment, which can be literally anything, starting from technical roguelike project ideas, browsing through artwork, closing in on poetry and literature, and finaly crashing against the concrete wall of lifes philosophy.

Well then, the die are cast. I wonder how this will work out. I wonder wether it’ll help me. I wonder wether it’ll grip Your interest, reader. I wonder.

Posted 17 November 2005, 09:15 by · Comments

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